Thursday 10 October 2013

All about football!

As the title suggests, this is all about football today. Basically its too long for a facebook status so a blog is needed.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

The Bus Journey

Hmm, 4 months since my last blog...whoops. I suppose exams and forgetting about this were the reasons but something came to my attention and I thought I would share it with the world. Or just my friends and family on the other hand.

Saturday 16 March 2013

The Modern Shakespeare

There is a meaning for my blog post title, and that is my younger brother. I can compare him to William Shakespeare, not because he writes world known plays and a key part of British history, the fact that he makes up so many words it's unbelievable. Recently, just for an example, me and my family were having an all you can eat Chinese buffet on a weekend I came home from uni. I cant remember what food it was, but it was on our table and he says to us "eurrgghh that's grotten!". The meaning is obvious, and it is a mixture of gross and rotten. But it isnt the only word he has randomly just included in his vocabulary, I cant actually remember any of them at the moment, but I'm sure I will be reminded again in the not too distant future.

Monday 18 February 2013

Rant Number 2...I Believe

Hello again, its been 3 weeks since my last blog. Its not that I've forgot about it or anything its just I havent had much to talk about. Although now it seems that I have so much to write about. So yeah, sorry but it might be a bit of a long read.